God gave me a mission: To take a snail out for a walk

An article written by Zhang Wen Liang from Taiwan. Always getting mad with your children? Take a mission and see from this enlightening perspective.

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Life is fragile, appreciate it

People die all the time. Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely. It’s too easy not to make the effort, then weep and wring your hands after the person dies.

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Be like the bamboo my friend: Lessons you can learn from it

One lesson which I had learnt many years ago from a business leader, was to be humble like the bamboo; the higher it goes, the lower it ‘bows.’ Bamboo, which is commonly known in the Chinese culture as one of the four gentlemen, namely the orchid, the bamboo, the chrysanthemum and the plum blossom, and also as three friends of winter, namely the pine, the bamboo and the plum. According to China Daily, “… bamboo is a symbol of virtue. It reflects people’s souls and emotions.”

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Clean drinking water?

There are more than 7 billion people on the planet. That means there are more people alive right now than there have ever been. Of those 7 billion people, 783 million have never tasted a glass of clean water.

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