Angry mummy intimidates child

I was at Starbucks last Saturday, waiting to meet a friend, and sitting right in front of me was a mum trying to teach her children to complete a set of homework. What happened next was even more shocking.

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God gave me a mission: To take a snail out for a walk

An article written by Zhang Wen Liang from Taiwan. Always getting mad with your children? Take a mission and see from this enlightening perspective.

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What I Meant to Say

Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers, and sisters, aunts and cousins, but only one mother in the whole world.

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Two gifts to our children: Roots and Wings

Roots, which would allow our children to stand firmly and to steadfastly hold their grounds in a world which is constantly trying to change them into something else. And Wings, which allow them to soar to great height, freely, unbounded and far away.

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A father’s wish for his daughter: Please keep her happy

I thought I would start my speech by addressing you as the “new” family of my daughter. But I think it would be inappropriate because now that she is married, you are “the family” for her. Believe me; I don’t have a problem with that. I, in fact, want my daughter to have “you” as her priority now. Its time for us to take a backseat in her life. We would happily accept it but would surely request one thing – please keep her happy!

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Children going against all odds to go to school

Children in an Indonesian village in the district of Lebak having to climb over a collapsed bridge to make their way to school. They say they prefer to take this perilous route because a detour to the next bridge would add half an hour to their journey.

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