Life is fragile, appreciate it

People die all the time. Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely. It’s too easy not to make the effort, then weep and wring your hands after the person dies.

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Sometimes it is now or never

“Today bought something very interesting.” That was the start of my little discussion with my friend last night; she bought two necklaces yesterday and she was showing me the picture of them and telling me excitedly that the gold inside the glass necklace moves or rather floats.

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Things You didn’t do

In his talk ‘Only You can make the Difference,’ he quoted Sigmund Freud (hope I got it right from the video), ” … all of us think that we are immortal and we’re going to live forever and we’re constantly putting things off for tomorrow.” Don’t we always feel that – there’s always tomorrow – especially so when we are procrastinating and putting things off? “I’ll just do it tomorrow,” we told ourselves.

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Best Manila File Folder Plane Maker in the World

Genius or insanity? What this guy built, over 5 years, with manila file folders and dabs of glue are brilliant and it will blow your mind away.

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8 Golden Rules of Living from Sir Richard Branson

Sometimes you got to just do it, have fun and be bold while challenging yourself. But remember you got to stand on your own feet and know that this is the only moment in life you have. So also learn to value your family and friends and to respect all!

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