You can make a difference 2014 Christmas eBook

Christmas, it’s the most Wonderful Time of the year! Christmas comes early this year at Symphony of Love. Actually I am late already; a Filipino friend whatsapped me a Christmas picture message on the morning of 1st December.

I replied saying ‘Early?’

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Small changes can make a world of difference

Sometimes what we did may seem so small and insignificant, especially in our own eyes, and not really worth a mention, but believe me, no act of kindness or goodness done is ever too small; it can definitely make a world of difference, not only in the receiver but also in you, the doer and giver.

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Helping the Homeless

Couldn’t have said it better than Harper Lee! Who are we to judge another? Like Lee said, ” … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” And when we do, I believe we wouldn’t be passing any judgement on the person. Something which I read somewhere before, “Walk a mile in my shoes. See what I see. Hear what I hear. Feel what I feel. Then, maybe you’ll understand why I do what I do. Till then, don’t judge me.”

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Teenage football players execute life changing play

Winning is always somewhat sweeter, heartwarming and life changing when we take time to help others to win in life. What this group of teenage football player did is simply inspiring!

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