Spring Cleaning Inside Out

Spring Cleaning Inside Out

I read a post ‘Spring Cleaning for the Soul’ at The Guy’s Perspective recently which touched on spring cleaning inside out. I left a comment saying that I like the idea of spring cleaning … just that sometimes I am taking too long to start; in fact, much too long. Some of the stack of old bill stubs, receipts and invoices which I found today dated as far back as 2003 or maybe even earlier. I didn’t bother to really look because they were all paid in due.

It didn’t really take much effort to clear the stack of old bills stubs, receipts and invoices that were sitting in the cabinet. And yet how did they get stacked up and taking all the spaces in the cabinet which could be put to better usage? Procrastination. As the saying goes, ‘out of sight, out of mind.‘ It is about time to take the first step. The Guy’s Perspective post provided that kick in the butt.

Today, I decided that it is time to let go of all that stack of old bill stubs, receipts and invoices. Their rightful place are in the recycle bin. They are of no use to me or anyone as long as they remained the way they are. However, going through the recycle bins, they have a chance to be recycled into something useful again.

Do you have stack of old bill stubs, receipts and invoices sitting in the cabinet waiting to be cleared? Perhaps it is time for you to clear the messes; spring is really a good time to start.

Besides the old stack of bill stubs, receipts and invoices, are there also emotional baggage which some of us are carrying through life like? Some of these emotional baggage may not really do much harm to us but they do take up spaces and give us the messy feeling; like there is always something holding us back. Wouldn’t it make sense for us to clear them too?

I have cleared the mess outside today and there are more to be cleared in the other cabinets. After that, it will be time to revisit the messes inside to start cleaning them too. It is time to ditch the emotional baggage,.

When will be a good time to start spring cleaning inside out? There will never be a better time; all we need to do is to start somewhere. Once we start, we would pick up the momentum from there. Decide today to let go of our emotional baggage to move on with life. We will inevitably find the journey less messy, much lighter and much more enjoyable.

Photo by sciucaness
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23 thoughts on “Spring Cleaning Inside Out

  1. Hilary

    Hi Bk .. I’m having a coffee break .. in the middle of a good day of clearing out and cleaning – then start again tomorrow .. and get some more done – need to go back to basics: but one thing at a time.

    Glad you’ve got going – so often we leave it .. as it’s much nicer being out and about in the brighter, warmer weather … perhaps that’s why in the old days – they ‘sprung cleansed’ in March .. before the spring weather really came about!!

    Thanks good luck .. with it all – Hilary
    .-= Hilary´s last blog ..Fancy a Cornish Cream Tea? In Cornwall, in Tokyo or at home? =-.

  2. Pam

    That is awesome! I am doing some spring cleaning in my garage and will start my closets soon. I like the idea of doing an emotional spring cleaning also. It’s always good to get rid of any negativity holding us down.
    .-= Pam´s last blog ..The Woes of the Working Girl =-.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Hilary, yes, I was glad that I had it going. Now is to keep it going to get all the other cabinets clean up. Then it will be clearing all the emotional baggage and move on with life.

      @ Pam, I agree with you totally; it is always good to get rid of any negativity holding us down.

  3. Tina t

    Since we just moved after the new year our physical baggage is pretty much cleared out, which is the best part about moving. As far as emotional baggage, that is always harder because unlike the physical you don’t always realize that it is there. Of course just like that box of junk hidden in a corner, emotional baggage should quickly be discarded as soon as you realize that it is there.
    .-= Tina t´s last blog ..Is Marriage Really the End of Freedom? =-.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Meleah, we have to keep our emotional baggage under check or else they will overwhelm us and bring us down.

      @ Tina, you are right, sometimes we may not even realise that the emotional baggage is there. Thus we have to do regular spring cleaning of our soul by sitting down and reflecting so that we can discard any of the emotional baggage which may be hidden.

  4. Tracy

    This post is very timely, BK.. I’ve been slowing the last couple of weeks doing a big spring clean through out the house. And this week I’m doing a cleanse-detox diet. And some good “doses” of yoga/meditation are gently taking care of the even more inner cleansing. :o)

  5. Mark

    Thanks for this healthy reminder to remove the clutter and let go of that which no longer serves us. Yes, this is indeed a great time of year to clean house, both the internal and the external.
    .-= Mark´s last blog ..Knocking On God’s Door =-.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Tracy, you have really great idea about the cleanse-detox diet. I think we should all do that once in a while to let our body recuperate. I like the idea of yoga/meditation for more inner cleansing too.

      @ Mark, yes, we must remove the clutter and let go of that which no longer serves us.

      @ Carver, we all do, from time to time. =)

  6. Jannie Funster

    Hi BK!

    Here we must keep all recipts for 7 years, for tax-related ones of course. But I do have other stuff to cull through and toss — I totally relate to that.

    I laugh at myself becuase I find big life victories in little things like…

    — throwing away a dish drying towel that never ever moved beyong that texture that didn’t really soak up water well, like it had a thin film of ploastic on it that never went away — yuck.

    — burning (we have a burn pile in our back yard,) a stained old Cinderella throw rug there was just no hope of getting clean.

    — jettisoning stained shirts of Kelly, ones that I couldn’t even make into rags or sew into commemorative pillows.

    Gotta go!! Floor needs sweeping.
    .-= Jannie Funster´s last blog ..Funny Typos 16 (the lo-frills edition) =-.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Jannie, interesting. I didn’t know that you all have to keep all receipts for 7 years; that must amount to quite a lot of receipts. You are not alone in finding big life victories in little things; it is through little things that we have big victories. I don’t like the sound of the dish drying towel, especially of the thin film of plastic on it that never went away. Thank you for dropping by.

      @ Jude, I am glad that you do try to lighten your Soul. It is a challenge to get rid of the inside baggage and there will be a time to get ride of it when we decide that we are having enough of it.

      @ David, indeed, today is the only day we have. If we do not decide to change today, we will never decide to change tomorrow. Thank you for stopping by. It is a pleasure to have you here and always a pleasure to share the things that are going through my life and hope that it can prompt others to put on their thinking hat too.

  7. jacqueline

    This is just a perfect time to do spring cleaning inside and out! I really need to organize my bills and receipts! hehe Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!
    .-= jacqueline´s last blog ..Gathering spring =-.

  8. Belinda Munoz + The Halfway Point

    Spring is such a good time to clean out junk of all kinds.

    Husband and I hold on to old receipts or financial statements for 7 years in case we get audited. After that, it’s shredding time.

    With emotional baggage, I’m actually pretty good about letting go. No need to wait 7 years; sometimes, if I’m in a great mood, it’s gonei n 7 seconds.

    Mental baggage, however, I struggle with. Those fears, doubts, etc., I admit, I haven’t mastered managing them.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Belinda, yes I heard of the 7 years from another commenter; she informed me that receipts must be kept for 7 years for tax purposes. Glad that you are able to take stock of the emotional baggage and good in letting them go. Mental baggage, I believe will be more of a challenge for most people including myself. Nevertheless, they shouldn’t be holding on for too long in our life too.

  9. Davina

    Hi BK
    Yes, spring cleaning. Been doing a lot of that recently. Scrubbing the deck, washing windows and drapery, and cleaning out old files too. I didn’t plan it; I actually felt like doing it. Knew that if I didn’t do it then it would wait for too long.

    I loved your comment about the emotional baggage that takes up spaces and gives us the messy feeling.” Brilliant! And, so true.
    .-= Davina´s last blog ..Diapers or Dog Food? =-.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Davina, I agree with you. If we put it off sometimes, it would wait for too long. I’m more the type that want to get it done and over with. Thank you. That comment was actually inspired from The Guy’s Perspective post which led to think of the emotional baggage that some of us are holding on. I truly hope that together with the spring cleaning, we can also sweep out the emotional baggage.

      @ VanillaSeven, yes, there is no better time then now.