I remember whenever I wanted to go for a run and a storm seemed impending, an excuse always served up, “It is going to rain, I’ll just have my run tomorrow.” Yes, come tomorrow, I would make up another excuse if I wasn’t in the mood for a run that day. Procrastination is human nature. No? Even Issac Newton proved to us in science that procrastination is human nature in his first law about inertia – the reluctant to start moving when one is standing still.
Spring Cleaning Inside Out
I read a post ‘Spring Cleaning for the Soul’ at The Guy’s Perspective recently which touched on spring cleaning inside out. I left a comment saying that I like the…
Dealing with Procrastination

Procrastination is probably one of the longest words in my dictionary. I used to have problem spelling it; I used to spell it as ‘Procastination’ without the ‘r.’ Not to worry, I am not going to talk about spelling today. I am going to talk about dealing with procrastination.
The Daffodil Principle
An interesting story I received today in my email. Most people are amazed by the accomplishment of successful people and some would say that these people are so lucky and…