Letting Go of Confusion Let Go and Trust

Letting Go of Confusion Let Go and Trust

Letting Go of Confusion Let Go and Trust

Letting Go of Confusion and Trust that Out of the Chaos will come Clarity

It has been a few days of confusion and uncertainty; unbearably unsettling at some points. This message from Melody Beattie, in her book, The Language of Letting Go came timely.

Letting Go of Confusion, March 11

Sometimes, the way is not clear.

Our minds get clouded, confused. We aren’t certain what our next step should be, what it will look like, what direction we are headed.

That is the time to stop, ask for guidance, and rest. That is the time to let go of fear. Wait. Feel the confusion and chaos, then let it go. The path will show itself. The next step shall be revealed. We don’t have to know now. We will know in time. Trust that. Let go and trust.

Today, I will wait if the way is not clear. I will trust that out of the chaos will come clarify.

Sometimes when the going is foggy, we may have to rest and wait. I believe the key is also in learning to let go of the fear, to be comfortable with not knowing and to trust. Do not let it cloud our mind.

I hope that you, too, can find faith and inner peace through this message from Melody Beattie.

Photo credit: Pexels

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