Gratitude – Fall in love with Your Life

I acknowledge the good that I already have in life and I am grateful for the abundance that life has given me. The below TED’s video has just shown me how I gonna fall in love with my life with gratefulness for the abundance and I hope that it would make you fall in love with your life too.

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Helping the Homeless

Couldn’t have said it better than Harper Lee! Who are we to judge another? Like Lee said, ” … until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.” And when we do, I believe we wouldn’t be passing any judgement on the person. Something which I read somewhere before, “Walk a mile in my shoes. See what I see. Hear what I hear. Feel what I feel. Then, maybe you’ll understand why I do what I do. Till then, don’t judge me.”

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Teenage football players execute life changing play

Winning is always somewhat sweeter, heartwarming and life changing when we take time to help others to win in life. What this group of teenage football player did is simply inspiring!

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Clean drinking water?

There are more than 7 billion people on the planet. That means there are more people alive right now than there have ever been. Of those 7 billion people, 783 million have never tasted a glass of clean water.

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Empathy: The Human Connection to Patient Care

If we could stand in the person’s shoes, hear what he or she hears, see what he or she sees, and feel what he or she feels, would we have treated the person differently?

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What is Love – Beautiful Story of Bill and Glad Forward

3 minutes short video about Bill and Glad Forward. Keeping a vow they made more than 50 years ago; in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad. A true example of what love is.

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