Happiness is in Our Hands

Photo by doriana_s

No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.” – Barbara de Angelis

This was a quote which I came across yesterday while I was compiling some love quotes by Barbara de Angelis. I knew it instantly that this is one quote which I want to share with you. This quote is in line with the ‘Rewriting Life with Different Choices‘ post, which I did a about two weeks ago.

One of the things which upsets me, is seeing people using their phone (without a hands-free) while they are driving. Now they are even checking their text messages and texting while driving.

Then there are always the inconsiderate few who decide that they prefer to throw trashes on the floor when the bin is less than a feet away.

It really doesn’t make any sense in letting these people upset me. Can we really be in control of our happiness? I believe we can. As the saying goes, “It is not what happened but what we do or how we react to what happened that is most important.” There are people or things in life that are constantly upsetting us … but only if we allow them to.

There is something which I believe we all know; Whenever we let someone or something upset us, we are letting the person or the thing control our happiness. Why should we be allowing others to decide if we should be happy? Since being happy is essential for the well-being of one – be it mentally, physically or spiritually, shouldn’t we be in control of our happiness?

Let us start today to take control of our happiness and to decide to be happy. As Barbara de Angelis said, “… you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.” I believe … do you believe?

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32 thoughts on “Happiness is in Our Hands

  1. meleah rebeccah

    I get so ANGRY when I see people texting while driving. Its so dangerous.

    But, while I agree with the quote ““No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.” –

    I also think I am RESPONSIBLE for my OWN happiness. And therefore, when I do see people texting and driving I feel BETTER saying something about it. And, yes I am admitting to yelling out my car window at other drivers texting and driving!
    .-= meleah rebeccah´s last blog ..Wherein My Parents Are Grounded =-.

  2. Tracy

    WONDERFUL, uplifting post… and I couldn’t agree more! I’ve always believed happiness is a choice we make… one we can make right now in this very moment! :o)

  3. Helena

    Great post, and so true. I totally believe that we are in charge of our own happiness and that it’s a conscious choice we make. It’s also a hard lesson for some people to learn, but once you do life gets so much better 🙂
    .-= Helena´s last blog ..Winter Playground =-.

  4. Fatima Da

    Lovely post and I do agree with you….. lets decide to be happy

    “A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure. I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” ~ evsong Oscar Wilde

    Thanks for sharing
    .-= Fatima Da´s last blog ..Whilst The Christmas Bells Are Swinging….. =-.

  5. Tina T

    I do agree that it is not what happened but how we react to it. I know someone who was blinded as a child and has a wonderful outlook on life, I have another friend who lost an arm in a terrible accident but he also has a wonderful attitude. Somehow they choose happiness when they could easily be bitter due to situations beyond their control that seem so unfair.

    Of course we all know people who are healthy and should be perfectly happy yet they choose to complain and be miserable. How we choose to react definitely determines whether we experience happiness or not.
    .-= Tina T´s last blog ..The Husband Test =-.

  6. Jude

    I totally agree that I am in control of my own happiness. It bothers me when people put that onus on someone else or blame other people for everything that goes wrong in their lives. Of course there are some circumstances that need to be altered like being married to someone that abuses you and you have no where to turn or feel like you don’t, of course there is always help, but people in abusive relationships don’t always realize that. Okay enough of my thoughts.
    .-= Jude´s last blog ..I am So Behind Where Technology Is Concerned =-.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ VanillaSeven, wise saying indeed! That reminds me of a similar quotation by Eleanor Roosevelt, “No one has the permission to put you down unless you allow them to.

      @ Tracy, well said! “Happiness is a choice we make.”

      @ Helena , yes, it can be a hard lesson to learn for some. But once one knows, their life will transform.

      @ Fatima, thank you for sharing that quotation by Oscar Wilde. ” I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions. I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.

      @ Tina, thank you for sharing the stories about your friends. Great people like them are definitely an inspiration to people around.

      @ Michelle, thank you for dropping by too. 🙂

      @ Jude, you are right. There are some circumstances that need to be altered as what you stated. And yet many people will find it a difficulty to make change as we can hear from some of the tragedies of family violence. I hope that many others can find the strength to help themselves and to move on. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      @ Pam, it is a great quote indeed.

      @ Ben, perhaps they are not really resigning to their lives but because there are really nothing they can do to their current situations. And they do not know that even if they can’t do anything to change their siuations, they can still choose how they want to react.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Sharkbytes, here is your smiley with wink. 😉

      @ Sukhmandir, it is definitely not easy but with practice, I believe it is possible too. 🙂

      @ ECL, that is something I definitely agree. Perhaps, some will misunderstood that it means to be indifferent to all things and to give up upholding justice. I agree with you totally that we have a duty to uphold justice and not turn a blind eye.

      @ Tabitha Blue, you are most welcome. 🙂

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Latina, it is indeed inspiring. 🙂

      @ Meleah, your comment wouldn’t turn out any other way except right. We do have a responsibility to stand up for what is right. 🙂

  7. lisaschaos

    Sorry I’m so far behind, had grandkids sleep over – exhausting and hubs has been snowed in home too, lol. Can’t seem to find much computer time but I’m trying to catch up.

    What you said is so true and I try to remind myself when I get to feeling stuck that the power is in my hands!
    .-= lisaschaos´s last blog ..Clearing the driveway =-.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ Lisa, no worry. Time with family is important. 🙂

      @ Anya , indeed, that is very much what we need. 🙂

      @ Pearl, you are right; we can choose to make the best out of situations and look at things on the bright side. 🙂

  8. The Fitness Diva

    This is so true, but sometimes it’s a concept easier to practice than preach.
    I mean, we are human, and outside forces can affect us from time to time. The thing I’m learning is not to dwell on it, because then you are losing the power over yourself.
    You can choose to brood over something for days, weeks or even years and allow it to drag you down. So many people do this!
    Better to learn to be mad for just a minute and then push it aside! 😉
    .-= The Fitness Diva´s last blog ..Before I Was The Fitness Diva…. =-.

    1. Symphony of Love Post author

      @ The Fitness Diva, it is indeed easier said than done. I do agree that there are outside forces that affect us from time to time. Learning not to dwell on things we can change and also which we cannot change is yet another powerful thing we can do to empower our lives.