Angry mummy intimidates child

I was at Starbucks last Saturday, waiting to meet a friend, and sitting right in front of me was a mum trying to teach her children to complete a set of homework. What happened next was even more shocking.

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Take the stones people throw at you to build a monument

the stones that others hurl you can be used to hurt you and can bury you alive if you allow them to. However, we have a choice to take the stones which are thrown at us to build a monument. We cannot stop others from throwing stones at us but we sure can choose what to do with the stones.

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25 Holiday Affirmations by Louise Hay

Like the muscles in our bodies, we need to constantly workout our minds to fill it up with positive affirmations that life us up instead of putting us down. We do not need more negativity; there are more than enough going on around us. Be the force of positive goodness around people and inspire them to not only feel good about themselves but to be the great beings they were born to be.

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