Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today, Photo credit: Johannes Plenio
Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today
“Live today. Not yesterday. Not tomorrow. Just today. Inhabit your moments. Don’t rent them out to tomorrow … You’re cheating yourself out of today. Today is calling to you, trying to get your attention, but you’re stuck on tomorrow, and today trickles away like water down a drain. You wake up the next morning and that today you wasted is gone forever. It’s now yesterday. Some of those moments may have had wonderful things in store for you, but now you’ll never know.”
The above is quoted from Jerry Spinelli’s Love, Stargirl. Some of those yesterday’s moments might really have wonderful things in store for us, but today we’ll never know. Often time we cheat ourselves out of today, our minds always wandering off to every where except here in the present. Only when one is conscious of now is one able to be here now. I do not know about you, but I certainly do not want to wake up the next morning realising that the today I wasted is gone forever. I remembered something Dr. Wayne Dyer once said, “You will never regret what you do in life; you will only regret what you don’t do.”
I’ll leave you with this thought, “What will you regret not doing today?”
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