Tomorrow Never Comes by Norma Marek

Tomorrow Never Comes by Norma Marek

The day before Thanksgiving in 2005, Kathy Sartore, married to photographer Joel Sartore, learned she had breast cancer. “Cancer is a thief. It steals time,” Joel says. “But cancer can also be a blessing, an amazing experience that forces us to set things right. My work had made me a stranger to my three kids. With Kathy sick, I knew it was time to stay put for a while.”

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When I am Old

A tribute to all mothers and fathers in the world. The write up, ‘When I am Old,” below was translated by me directly from a Chinese poster I saw, pinned up, on one of the doors at my sister’s house. A gentle reminder that we were once ‘old’ when we were young. Does this make sense to you?

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Can You Feel The Love? (Relationship Advice and Tip)

Have you ever been in a situation where you had shown your love and concern to your loved ones and yet made things worse? Or were you accused for not…

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